senior woman embracing daughter after covid immunization

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic – January 27

Friday, January 27, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Held at the Moultrie County Health Department, 202 S. Main, Sullivan, IL

  • This COVID-19 clinic is designed for those aged 18 years or older.
  • Original Moderna and Johnson & Johnson series, and new Moderna boosters available.
  • If you are receiving a second dose of Moderna or a booster of any kind, please bring your vaccination record with you.
  • MCHD bills Medicare, Medicaid, and many private insurance plans.

We will hold combined Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccine clinics. Register for the vaccine you prefer.


Use the GREEN BUTTONS to find an available appointment time and date. Note the difference in Moderna or Johnson & Johnson on each button.

Individuals may register for a first time vaccination or a booster. For those registering for a booster, please bring your vaccination card. It is also helpful to dress with a short sleeved shirt so that your arm is accessible to the nurse.

If you received an original vaccine regimen and a booster dose of vaccine, you are fully vaccinated at this time.

IMPORTANT DIRECTIONS: On the day of your clinic, please:

  • Bring a photo ID.
  • Come at least 10 minutes prior to your appointment to complete your registration paperwork.
  • Wear a short-sleeved shirt to your appointment.

As always, if you need assistance, please call 217-728-4114.

Moultrie County Health Department

202 S. Main, Sullivan, IL

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