Maternal Child Health Services2024-04-03T09:41:51-05:00

Maternal Child Health Services

Prenatal Care and Its Importance to Expectant Mothers

Generally, prenatal care refers to the healthcare and guidance for pregnant women before childbirth. It involves closely monitoring the mother's and developing baby's health and progress. Ideally, prenatal care begins as soon as a woman suspects she is pregnant and continues throughout the pregnancy until delivery. Such care includes regular check-ups, tests, and visits with healthcare professionals.

Announcing COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics for Children and Teens

Currently, the circulating variants of the Covid-19 virus are relatively mild and typically result in symptoms similar to a prolonged summer cold. However, like all viruses, Covid-19 affects all people differently. The Covid-19 virus can make those who are immune-compromised, including the elderly and some children, very ill for prolonged periods. Reducing the risk of infection is most important for these individuals because they are also at greater risk for lingering or long-term health problems.

WIC Farmer’s Market Program

The Moultrie County Health Department is pleased to announce the arrival of WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) in Moultrie County!

The WIC FMNP was established by Congress in 1992, to provide fresh, unprepared, locally grown fruits and vegetables to WIC participants, and to expand the awareness, use of, and sales at farmers’ markets. Pregnant & Breastfeeding women and children one year and older who are certified to receive WIC program benefits or who are on a waiting list for WIC certification are eligible to participate in the WIC FMNP. A variety of fresh, nutritious, unprepared, locally grown fruits, vegetables, and herbs may be purchased with FMNP coupons.

Farmers Market Coupons will be distributed by the MCHD beginning July 1st, 2018, to all eligible WIC participants. Come to the Moultrie County Health Department and get your WIC- FMNP coupons to enjoy the fresh produce of Moultrie County all summer long! No appointment needed.

Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Food Program

The Moultrie County Health Department WIC program is a supplemental nutrition program which serves to enhance the health and well-being of pregnant women, infants, and children through the age of five years. The WIC program provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and food instruments to enrolled clients. The Moultrie County Health Department also provides confidential pregnancy testing and assistance with the initiation of medical care.

This institution is required to post the USDA Nondiscrimination Statement.

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